10 Days and Nights - 10 suspended perspex lenses with back-projected video
The Mediums Glasses I & II - Photographs printed onto old pairs of glasses using traditional darkroom techniques
I was inspired to produce a series of works based on nineteenth century occult and pseudo-scientific documentary photography. During the nineteenth century it was believed that camera technology could capture the spirit world and photographs appearing to show ghosts and a range of occult phenomena were often used as "evidence" for a world that lay beyond what we could see.
Laura Marker
Laura Marker - artist
The Economy Of Delight - Projected Collage
The economy of delight draws inspiration from elaborate eighteenth century stucco plaster work commonly found in larger houses of the period. In eighteenth century England an artisan undertaking this kind of work could expect to earn as little as £15-£20 a year, By contrast the contrast yearly income of the aristocracy could be as much as £30,000. This group made up three percent of the population, but enjoyed fifteen percent of the national income. (Old Bailey records).
Projected Collage
Projected Collage
Projected Collage
Projected Collage